Kathryn Ford
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Kathryn Ford

Cognitive Analytic Therapist
Qualifications: Qualified Social Worker and CAT Practitioner

Accreditation and registered: Association of Cognitive Analytic Therapy

Fee: £60.00 per session (50-60 minutes)

Availability: Tuesday and Thursday afternoon and evenings

Kathryn is an accredited Cognitive Analytic Therapist and member of ACAT (Association of Cognitive Analytic Therapy). She has practised in a training capacity since 2009 and was accredited as a CAT Practitioner in 2015. Since 2016 she has undertaken private therapy work, offering CAT to individuals and CAT informed therapy.

She has 25 years experience working as a mental health social worker with adults who experience severe and enduring mental health issues, and as an approved mental health professional.

CAT can offer a helpful approach to a wide range of mental health conditions, particularly in exploring the relational aspects of peoples difficulties. Because of her experience in the Community Mental Health Teams and as an Approved Mental Health Professional, Kathryn is experienced in managing risk and complexity present in more severe experiences of mental health difficulties, but have found that clients with less severe difficulties and more resources also benefit from the CAT approach.

Kathryn is happy to assess the potential for work with clients with the following psychiatric diagnoses; eating disorders, depression and anxiety, personality disorders, obsessional disorders, physical health issues that have a psychological component and medically unexplained symptoms.